Explorations into Fantasy, the Fantastic and the Strange


a la maravilla-ficción

y la ciencia-ficción



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The Winter Wars

Book three of Northern Fire

Ian H. McKinley

   Thus the dangerous dance begins between a Straelish outcast and the Dark Prince, the notorious spymaster who keeps his brother safe on the Polgati throne . . . because he fears Korgash Hasselmann.
   Korgash has become the overlord of North Straeland and he rails against Polgatia for harbouring necromancers and Thorn People who spread evil in Straeland. He calls for war, but will he defy his Queen and call in his bannermen? When events spiral out of control, with assassins and armies unleashed in one fell stroke, a war band led by some Fjordlanders arises to confront the menace.

Allan Hudson, The Miramichi Reader:
“[McKinley’s] descriptive prose and precise storytelling create a world which comes across as tremendously real. The characters, the setting, the weather, the clothing, the intrigue – it all works so well … McKinley offers up a delightful tale for fantasy lovers. I recommend it highly.”

Petites bêtes de cirque

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Petites bêtes de cirque

Ana María Shua

Traduit de l’espagnol par Véronique Lessard

   Vous voilà en route vers le cirque sans même réaliser que vous vouliez y aller, ou qu’en réalité, vous y étiez déjà. Un homme vole, suspendu à un élastique. Sous les applaudissements et les rires du public, une femme hurle au secours avec un désespoir apparent. Puis il y a ce tigre qui doit passer la tête dans sa propre bouche, l’ourse aux habiletés littéraires, sans compter la gitane qui ne prédit pas l’avenir.

Œuvre encensée d’Ana María Shua, écrivaine latino-américaine de renommée internationale, Petites bêtes de cirque nous convie à un voyage ludique à travers les grandes vérités, vraies ou fausses, de la vie et de la microfiction. 

« Partant du cirque comme prétexte créatif, les récits de Shua créent un numéro de haute voltige, de funambulisme et d’acrobaties narratives des plus difficiles, le tout issu d’une imagination féconde en pleine effervescence. »

— José María Merino, membre de l’Académie royale espagnole

Et vous, que ne feriez-vous pas pour quelques applaudissements ?

The Broken Dream: Book Two of Northern Fire

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The Broken Dream

Book Two of Northern Fire

Ian H. McKinley

One girl and three boys born on the fateful Darknight are the receipients of a prophesy of future glory chanted in a trance by Helgya, the seeress of the Fjorlander clan. Rulla, Dealer of Fates, has bestowed her blessing, but she is hard and stains each rune of glory she hands out in blood.

 At sixteen they pass into the Sea Wolves, the clan that raids foreign shores and brings back plunder. The four must brave the Demon’s Teeth and strange, hostile lands. But the plunder they seek carry a cost they could never have imagined… or feared.

South Bank Scribbler: “This is a terrific novel by a talented storyteller. I was captivated from the first page. I am anxious for Book 2 and hope to be first in line when it becomes available.”

The Miramichi Reader:  “Mr McKinley’s writing style is solid and detailed, yet pleasurable to read. He has concocted a mythopoeic story of the first rank in Harbinger.”

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Book One of Northern Fire

Ian H. McKinley

One girl and three boys born on the fateful Darknight are the receipients of a prophesy of future glory chanted in a trance by Helgya, the seeress of the Fjorlander clan. Rulla, Dealer of Fates, has bestowed her blessing, but she is hard and stains each rune of glory she hands out in blood.

 At sixteen they pass into the Sea Wolves, the clan that raids foreign shores and brings back plunder. The four must brave the Demon’s Teeth and strange, hostile lands. But the plunder they seek carry a cost they could never have imagined… or feared.

South Bank Scribbler: “This is a terrific novel by a talented storyteller. I was captivated from the first page. I am anxious for Book 2 and hope to be first in line when it becomes available.”

The Miramichi Reader:  “Mr McKinley’s writing style is solid and detailed, yet pleasurable to read. He has concocted a mythopoeic story of the first rank in Harbinger.”

Sail the waters of foreign realms. Deja atrás la realidad

Senderos ignotos de la imaginación